
Positive cash-flow is a vital element in the success of any company and for that reason, FreshByte Software offers unique accounts receivable solutions with cash flow planning to streamline wholesale distribution operations.
It's powerful yet easy to use: a receivables module that provides all of the tools necessary to plan and achieve this critical task.
Sophisticated credit control checks and balances carefully monitor all customer accounts and the information provided to the appropriate managers, enables them to make any necessary collection and/or sales cut-off decisions per customer. This helps you keep losses at a minimum and helps increase your cash collections, to increase the overall profitability of the company.
Additional Fresh Byte Software accounts receivable features include:
- Rapid drill-down into each from customer's balances to view invoice details
- Multiple ship-to addresses per customer.
- Rapid cash receipts entry by customer or by customer group.
- Automatic reversal of all paid invoices if customer check is returned.
- Detailed inquiry capabilities by customer, including full item purchase history.
- Customer or group statement printing capability.
- E-mail capabilities directly from the system to customers.
- Date-sensitive reporting: e.g., print aged receivables listing for any date in the past.
- Automatic general ledger interfacing.