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What 2022 Will Bring in New Food Trends

December 23, 2021 by FreshByte Software

Just when folks thought the pandemic was winding down, another variant occurs, and folks are suddenly wondering if they will be able to eat out again like they used to. No surprise, a lot of the food trends and approaches for 2022 are expected to be influenced by social distancing and everything we had to do for the last year and a half adjusting lifestyles. Fortunately, some of the trends are definitely focusing on why food is such a draw, and bringing the experience to people's doorsteps.

Near Beer, Ginger Beer and Non-Alcohol Drinks

2022 is likely to see a crop of new drinks appear and become popular as folks want to enjoy themselves but not deal with the risk of being limited by alcohol consumption and unable to drive home. Gone are the days when near beer tasted something awful and non-alcoholic other drinks tasted like bad champagne. Instead, a whole crop of really nice-tasting drinks are on the horizon as well as growing in popularity, looking and feeling like the real thing without the headaches and hangovers.

Different Types of Butter

Everybody has had the time to really study what they eat, especially with a lot of home cooking.taylor-kiser-3PHZi-5wKiI-unsplash And that has generated demand for foods that have less of the bad stuff and more of the good stuff. Sunflower butter has cropped up as a contender, surprising folks and adding in a few vitamins and minerals that regular butter doesn’t have.

Eat Less, Enjoy More

Gluttony and big dishes are out. Small portions and more variety are in. 2022 is definitely going to be the year that people want smaller portions. Much of the trend has to do with the fact that a lot of folks put on serious pounds with the COVID remote working and sitting at home all day. On average, many have gained close to 20 lbs. So, eating less and trying more alternatives will definitely be on the menu.

Go Veggies

Non-meat food will be growing in popularity. Finally, a number of meat products are really coming online since 2020 that taste good, can fool the senses into seeming like the real thing, and are a lot healthier for folks to eat. Combined with the above, plant-based eating is going to increase considerably, especially as inflation continues to keep driving up the price of regular meats like beef.

The Robots are Arriving

Automation and robotic serving will become more commonplace in 2022. A number of fast food places are already providing self-service kiosks and removing the counter server altogether, but this was obscured by COVID and the lack of eating in. As people return to restaurants, they will find many with counter service have converted to automation and robotic ordering as well as serving. Ordering by mobile device will also be pushed heavily, cutting down on counter labor and cash transactions.

Increased Delivery Options

The pandemic pushed every food business to get creative about how to get their food products to people. So, no surprise, many of us learned how convenient delivery food can be instead of going to the restaurant. Now, “ghost kitchens” are a standard and market all of their own, totally designed to produce delivery food and nothing else. No sit-down, no pick up, etc. This will increase in 2022, especially as mobile options increase.

Mushrooms are In

With new reports on a broad research basis supporting the mental health benefits of mushrooms, everyone can expect the fungus to be seen on menus a lot more. Whether mixed in or separate, mushrooms will definitely be making themselves known in the food world in 2022.

Tags: Lifestyle

FreshByte Software

Written by FreshByte Software

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