Blog Articles

Promising Technologies Today are Enhancing Food Traceability Systems

November 03, 2023 posted in Traceability, Technology


An article published this year in the Food Control journal says improving food traceability requires the use of the best new technologies and there are a variety of promising technologies today to enhance food traceability systems (FTS), such as fifth-generation (5G), mobile communication systems, and distributed ledger technology (DLT).

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Demystifying SOC Audits: Understanding the Why and What

September 22, 2023 posted in Accounting, Technology


In our digital-first world where data breaches and cybersecurity threats are on the rise, organizations are under increasing pressure to demonstrate their commitment to protecting sensitive information.

One powerful tool is the System and Organization Controls (SOC) audit, an independent assessment designed to provide assurance to stakeholders that a company has adequate controls in place to protect its data, systems, and operations.

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Food Traceability Technology Trends

August 03, 2023 posted in Traceability, Technology, Supply Chain


Food traceability technology developments are crucial to keeping the global food supply chain secure, transparent, and resilient in the face of modern challenges.

“The food traceability technology market is fundamental to improving food safety, providing a method of tracking, tracing, and documenting the journey of food items through the supply chain,” reports Packaging Digest.

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The Transformative Impact of Cloud-Based Software on the Food Industry

June 22, 2023 posted in Sustainability, The Cloud, Technology


In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, cloud-based software has emerged as a game-changer for the food industry as farm-to-table is transitioning to farm-to-data-to-table.

The power of cloud computing has revolutionized the $4+ trillion fresh and packaged food industry in many areas, enabling resilience, margin expansion, adaptation to shifting consumer demands, action on sustainability, and more.

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9 Ways that Mobile Devices are Reshaping Warehouse Management

May 24, 2023 posted in Inventory, Technology, Supply Chain


In today's fast-paced business environment, the effective management of warehouses plays a vital role in ensuring operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

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FreshBytes Slotting Module Can Reduce Errors and Improve Order Accuracy

May 04, 2023 posted in Traceability, Inventory, Technology


Warehouse management may be invisible to the average customer but can be the difference between success and failure for many operations.

“Any business that stores items in a warehouse knows that effective management is the difference between fulfilling customer orders quickly and accurately while keeping costs down versus hearing complaints about delayed or inaccurate shipments and higher operating costs,” says Oracle’s NetSuite.

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NOAA’s National Seafood Strategy: Using Technology to Support Supply

February 16, 2023 posted in Sustainability, Technology, Food Trends, Supply Chain


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries released a draft of its National Seafood Strategy this month with a goal of getting more seafood on consumer’s plates thanks in part to using technology to modernize the supply chain and industry infrastructure.

“The strategy also responds to the unprecedented challenges facing the U.S. seafood industry, including climate change, the coronavirus pandemic, new technologies and other ocean uses, and significant labor shortages and aging infrastructure,” said NOAA Fisheries as it opened up a 30-day comment period on the draft.

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Which Foods are Most Impacted by Food Traceability?

January 25, 2023 posted in Traceability, Technology


One of the linchpins of the FDA’s Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) is that some foods need to be tracked to a greater degree than other foods to help prevent foodborne illnesses and deaths.

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Technology Helps Businesses Streamline Operations & Internal Controls

January 09, 2023 posted in Traceability, The Cloud, Technology


The technological changes that have swept the world in our lifetime are mind-boggling with the first personal computers released in the 1980s, the internet as we know it today launched in the 1990s, iPhones introduced in the 2000s, and the rise of cloud computing over the last decade.

For business and the workplace, the digital revolution has ushered in advances not thought possible just a few years ago.

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Food Packaging and Repacking: Keep the Supply Chain Safe and Efficient

August 10, 2022 posted in Traceability, Safety, Technology


The role of food packaging, and subsequently repacking by wholesale food distributors, helps keep this vital supply chain safe and efficient.

“Think about it, without a regulated system of food packing processes, materials and systems, we would be no further ahead than if we were still in the dark ages,” says dry blending and custom packing company Dure Foods.

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