Blog Articles

Why Are Food Prices Rising? Navigating Changes in Grocery Shopping

May 17, 2024 posted in Inventory, Food Trends, Supply Chain

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As 2024 nears the midway mark, many consumers are grappling with the persistent issue of rising food prices. While inflation has been easing downward, many food prices remain stubborn or even continue to climb.

“In 2024, all food prices are predicted to increase 2.2 percent, with a prediction interval of 0.7 to 3.8 percent,” said the USDA Economic Research Service in April.

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Why Some Brands are Switching to Meat and Poultry with Antibiotics

April 19, 2024 posted in Food Trends, Supply Chain


Never say never.

At least that is what some large brands, such as Chick-fil-A, are finding out when it comes to pledges about meat, poultry, and antibiotics.

“A newly announced change to Chick-fil-A’s menu may ruffle some feathers,” reported Food and Wine. “The fast-food chicken chain announced this week via a notification on their app that it'll be ending its promise to only serve 100 percent antibiotic-free chicken.”

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Food Traceability Technology Trends

August 03, 2023 posted in Traceability, Technology, Supply Chain


Food traceability technology developments are crucial to keeping the global food supply chain secure, transparent, and resilient in the face of modern challenges.

“The food traceability technology market is fundamental to improving food safety, providing a method of tracking, tracing, and documenting the journey of food items through the supply chain,” reports Packaging Digest.

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9 Ways that Mobile Devices are Reshaping Warehouse Management

May 24, 2023 posted in Inventory, Technology, Supply Chain


In today's fast-paced business environment, the effective management of warehouses plays a vital role in ensuring operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

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How to Ensure Quality Control in Fish Processing

April 21, 2023 posted in Traceability, Supply Chain

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Quality control is essential in fish processing because it helps ensure that the fish products are safe for human consumption, meet regulatory requirements, and have a long shelf life.

“Quality control (QC) in some form is now common in the fish industry and its use is increasing steadily as demand for uniformly high-quality products increases. Since fish is more variable than most other food, the need to apply QC is correspondingly greater,” says the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. “As customers and governments become more particular about their food requirements, the fish industry must keep pace with these requirements if it is not to lose out in competition to other foods.”

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Food and Beverage Manufacturing Trends to Watch in 2023

March 22, 2023 posted in Sustainability, Inflation, Food Trends, Supply Chain


Food and beverage manufacturing, like all sectors of the U.S. economy, is facing uncertainty in 2023 with a looming recession on the horizon.

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NOAA’s National Seafood Strategy: Using Technology to Support Supply

February 16, 2023 posted in Sustainability, Technology, Food Trends, Supply Chain


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries released a draft of its National Seafood Strategy this month with a goal of getting more seafood on consumer’s plates thanks in part to using technology to modernize the supply chain and industry infrastructure.

“The strategy also responds to the unprecedented challenges facing the U.S. seafood industry, including climate change, the coronavirus pandemic, new technologies and other ocean uses, and significant labor shortages and aging infrastructure,” said NOAA Fisheries as it opened up a 30-day comment period on the draft.

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Turkey May be Expensive and Hard to Find Thanks to Bird Flu, Other Issues

November 03, 2022 posted in Inventory, Food Trends, Supply Chain


Turkey, the traditional star of the Thanksgiving meal, may be expensive and tough to find in 2022 as the bird flu and other issues are affecting the supply chain.

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